Copenhagen 2017
Copenhagen Workshop
May 28th, 2017

The day was sunny and then rainy, but we didn't mind. A perfectly intimate group gathered at the home of a friend and we walked across the street to the Assistens Cemetery in the neighborhood Norrebro.
I hung a macrame garland from a lilac bush, and taught these beautiful and lovely women how to macramé while the sun danced through the purple flowers.

I had a bit of extra time, so I made everyone head dresses out of Macramé and flowers! It was magical.

Wouldn't this be the perfect place to get married! These two friends were so sweet. Sarah from My New Roots had just told her dear friend Elenor that she was moving away and they were so sad but happy at the same time. I was utterly touched to witness the beauty of the moment.
It was a macramé workshop to remember.