Valentine's Day Inspiration
Valentine's Day is one of those holidays you either love or could do without. For makers, it can be used as an opportunity to share your work with those you care for: lovers, friends, mothers, or sisters! At the Modern Macramé studio, we're focusing on matters of the heart, big wall hangings including all our new colors especially of the pink variety, and little shareables like keychains as tokens of gratitude. That way, every time your love opens the front door of their home, they think of the thoughtfulness of your friendship.

Did you know we offer an online class through Creativebug that teaches how to make keychains? Sign up today for a 14-day FREE trial and learn all the knots!

Not sure of what to do for the day with your BFF? We offer Plant Hanger Kits and Wall Hanging Kits. Order one and a few extra bundles and materials for a craft night. The shop offers shades of light pink, dusty rose, fuchsia, coral, plain ol' pink, and more to get started!
TAKE 14% OFF everything in the shop with code ' LOVE ' at checkout!